The challenge
Unlocking oil and gas reservoirs
Offshore oil and gas plays a critical part in Australia's energy needs. Despite the vast majority of our supply currently coming from our marine territory, our deep sea remains relatively unexplored. With only 12 per cent of Australia's marine territories properly mapped, there is still much to learn.
Large offshore regions of Australia remain lightly explored and ongoing research efforts are helping to maximise recovery from our producing petroleum reservoirs. Our biggest challenge is finding ways to access gas reserves in very deep water, also known as stranded gas. Offshore exploration and operation also present unique technical challenges which require specialised innovation.
Our response
New technologies for offshore petroleum exploration and production
We are working with industry, governments and academia to provide scientific knowledge and advice for offshore oil and gas; covering the environmental, economic and social factors associated with the entire oil and gas value chain.
Coupled with this, we have extensive geoengineering expertise which we use to develop new technologies for subsea operation.
Some of the technologies and systems we have developed include:
- Flow assurance systems to ensure uninterrupted flow of oil and gas in subsea pipelines and access to previously stranded gas
- Hydrocarbon sensor array to monitor the movement of oil spills
- Bluelink reliable ocean forecasting for Australia and the regions around the world
- Pipeassure to repair pipelines quickly and safely with minimal disruption and loss of operation down-time
- PressureDB data collection and analysis on subsurface formation pressure, temperature and salinity from oil and gas wells.